Enhancing Blockchain Security:

Our Mission and Expertise

A Commitment to Eliminating Digital Asset Theft and Preventing Malicious Actors

Committed to creating a safer, more accessible decentralized space for everyone. We started with a mission to eliminate digital asset theft and prevent malicious actors from operating on the blockchain without fear of repercussions.

We understand that the world of decentralized finance can be a risky space, but with our expertise and unique methods, combined with collaborative efforts, we effectively help reduce criminal activity on the blockchain before any successful attacks.

Our team consists of experts who have the necessary knowledge and experience to handle all blockchain interactions. We stay regularly updated with the latest regulations and compliance needs, utilizing our partners and advisors to give you the best possible blockchain security services available.


Building Trust and Security:

In a decentralized World

Due Diligence Compliance and Victim Support: Comprehensive Solutions for Ongoing Obligations

We pride ourselves on collaborating with all entities involved in eliminating malicious actors. We use the same tools as law enforcement to conduct blockchain investigations, maintaining regular contact with legal Professionals, both domestic and international, to create actionable reports. We also regularly communicate with regulatory bodies to ensure up-to-date compliance measures and work with law firms to conduct due diligence compliance, civil litigation, and provide incident response.

Through our partnership with GBG, we offer an exclusive service to CryptoAsset exchange providers, custodian wallet providers, DAOs, and Venture Capitalists. We use GBG to assess the world of decentralized finance off-chain, as being able to conduct due diligence off-chain on decentralized entities is just as important as your on-chain due diligence.

We provide comprehensive solutions for ongoing regulatory compliance and due diligence obligations, including Trigger Response for transaction monitoring needs and DAO Diligence for venture capitalists investing in DAOs or decentralized entities. We also provide incident response, offering solution victims of to help them recover and regain control.

Our goal is to ensure that the decentralized space is a safer place for everyone. With our team's expertise, unique methods, and collaborative efforts, we are committed to achieving that goal.

Are you looking for comprehensive blockchain security solutions that will help reduce criminal activity and increase compliance measures in the decentralized space?